TRADIF diffusion workshop

  • Monte Carmelo, Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS
    • Second Day of exchange and diffusion of medicinal plants TRAMIL/CIMN-H. 25-26 of September, 1995.
    • Qualification and Diffusion workshop on TRAMIL medicinal plants for the teachers of the departments of: preventive and social medicine, physiology and infirmary of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras February 19-20th, 1996.
    • Interdisciplinary course for organizations that work on the Atlantic Coast of Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras.July, 8-13th, 1996.
    February, 1996
  • Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS

    5th . Day CIMN-H TRAMIL enda-caribe.1st and 2nd.Seminary Diffusion workshop of 15 Tramil Medicinal Plants - Honduras. 190 medicine students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras UNAH.

    November, 1995
  • Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS

    Workshop by the Ministry of Public health/CIMN-H/TRAMIL/enda-caribe: Directed by Vice-Minister of Health of Honduras Dra. Virginia Espinoza

    October, 1996